Connie Tran | Portfolio

Screenshot of the SpaceXploration app UI


SpaceXploration is an app that uses the SpaceX API to track and display data on every SpaceX launch and rocket to date.

SpaceXploration was developed with React, Typescript, and Snowpack as part of the Developers' Collective.

Playlistr words and logo with headphones against yellow background


Playlistr is a collaborative music sharing app where you can listen to music on Spotify with your friends - all in real-time.

We developed Playlistr as a MERN stack application that utilizes the Spotify API, React, & so that multiple users can share one queue, add songs to it, and have a chance to control and listen to the queue in real-time.

Playlistr has been featured on Medium along side Spotify. Check out our YouTube video for a demo.

Screenshot of the Navitours app UI


Navitours is a fully mobile-responsive landing page for a fictional company that specializes in offering nature tours.

This page was developed using Sass, CSS animations, and modern CSS techniques.

SurViral Logo

JaneBox Games Presents: SurViral

SurViral is a multiplayer, storyline game that allows players to work together and defeat a viral enemy to save the world.

SurViral was developed with React, Sass,, Node & Express as part of the Multiplayer Weekend Hackathon.

RetroFeed Homepage


RetroFeed is a social media platform with a retro feel inspired by Twitter and old-school operating systems like MS-DOS.

Our team developed this full stack application, utilizing Express, Sequelize/MySQL, NodeJS, and Handlebars.

BurgerStack fullstack application


BurgerStack is a full-stack application which follows an MVC design paradigm.

The app was developed using Node & Express to route data in the app, and Handlebars to dynamically generate HTML. The live site is deployed to Heroku with a MySQL JawsDB database backend.

Weather Dashboard project

Weather Dashboard

This weather dashboard uses Javascript to dynamically update weather data from OpenWeather, a third-party server-side API.

Check out weather from across the world and save your searches in local storage.

Team Page Node CLI project

Teampage Node CLI

This application is a NodeJS command line application that takes in information about team members & employees of a software engineering team and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each team member.

Card image of Spanx website


On occasion, I moonlight as a production assistant in film & other creative projects and have worked on music videos, video shoots, and commercial photoshoots.

Here's a photoshoot I helped PA for Spanx's Fall/Winter Legging collection.